
醉鸡 Drunken Chicken美女私房菜 Private Home Cuisine

2018/1/6 16:18:53  来源:今日头条





Drunken Chicken


鸡全腿 3只、葱姜蒜适量、绍兴酒 1大匙、当归 5g、红枣 10粒、枸杞子 1小把、绍兴酒 200ml、水 500ml、盐和糖适量。


3 Chicken Whole Legs、Ginger、Spring Onion、Garlic、1 Tablespoon ShaoXing Rice Wine、5g DangGui、10 pcs Red Dates、A Small Handful of Wolfberries、200ml ShaoXing Rice Wine、100ml Water、Salt and Sugar as needed.

做法 Steps:

🍴1. 鸡全腿去骨,加葱姜蒜、适量糖、盐,和1大匙绍兴酒腌制至少1个小时。

Deboned chicken legs, marinate with ginger、spring onion、garlic、salt、sugar and 1 Tablespoon ShaoXing rice wine for at least 1 hour.

🍴2. 去除葱姜蒜(别丢掉,等下可以再用),将腌制好的鸡腿卷起来,再用锡纸分别包成糖果状。


Remove the ginger、spring onion and garlic (don't discard them), roll marinated chicken legs into cone shape and wrap with aluminum foil.

Bring water in the steamer to boil, steam the wraped chicken legs over high heat for 20~25 minutes or until cooked. Remove them from the heat and let them cool down in ice water.

🍴3. 另取一锅,放入之前腌制鸡腿时的葱姜蒜、洗净沥干的枸杞、当归和红枣,倒入500ml的水和之前蒸鸡腿时渗出的汤汁,大火煮滚后转小火继续煮30分钟,离火,再加适量的糖和盐调味后,倒入200ml绍兴酒。

Rinse DangGui、red dates and wolfberries, place them in a small cooking pan, also place "Step 2" ginger、spring onion and garlic in this cooking pan. After steamed, broth will drained out of the chicken, also pour them inside the cooking pan, and boil with 500ml water in high heat, once boiled, simmer in low heat for 30 minutes and add salt and sugar to taste. Remove from the heat, stir in 200ml ShaoXing rice wine.

🍴4. 将上述煮好的汤汁倒入一个可密封的容器中,去掉包裹鸡腿的锡纸,将鸡腿卷放在汤汁中,冷藏密封腌制至少1天,即可切片享用。

Pour the above herbal soup in a container, unwarp the chicken legs, and soak them in this herbal soup. Replace the cap and place in the fridge. Let them sit for at least 24 hours, slice to serve.

